
    • California EV owners switch back to gas cars in large numbers

      This is interesting considering California is known for its environmental zealots and enjoys a robust charging infrastructure. Nearly 1/5 of California EV owners according to a study from UC Davis switch back to gas powered cars.

      The number is even higher for hybrid owners. Another way to look at this though is that the majority sticks with their EV meaning greater adoption is only inevitable.

      Still, that is a nice chunk that switches back. The reasons vary but having access to fast charging is still a big factor:

      According to the research, about half of the respondents who bought another EV had access to Level 2 charging, compared to the 30% who dumped the electric lifestyle, but had a proper plug at home. The research found owners were 53% less likely to buy another EV if they did not have access to convenient, at-home charging. Essentially, it was a coin toss over whether an EV owner either stuck with it or returned to gas pumps.
      We are going to see the nation's charging structure only continue to improve in availability and speed so this seems to a problem that will be solved in time. However, off-roading is definitely an area where electrics will struggle to find appeal for a long time to come.


      This article was originally published in forum thread: California EV owners switch back to gas cars in large numbers started by Sticky View original post
      Comments 2 Comments
      1. Eleventeen's Avatar
        Eleventeen -
        I have to imagine the lack of decent EV choices has a lot to do with it. I mean, once you get tired of your Tesla, the only other (logical) choice is a Taycan, but they are still relatively new.
      1. Mightyb28's Avatar
        Mightyb28 -
        Maybe those people realized that whole EV industry is B.S. and that the EV's are worse for the environment than a petrol car. The businesses and governments could have supported Audi's blue diesel and petrol program and we would be in a different place than EV's.