
    • Big turbo built motor Nissan GT-R annihilates Tesla Model S Plaid from a stop

      Videos like this are good to snap Tesla fanboys back into reality. Yes, the Plaid is fast and yes it is the new street car benchmark. However, many of us are here because we do not leave our street cars stock and that is an area the Plaid simply offers no answer.

      How does the Plaid do against a built motor GT-R with big turbos? Well, it gets destroyed. It isn't even close. It isn't even a race.

      This goes to show you just how fast truly quick built GT-R's out there are and this is hardly the fastest example.

      EV vs. ICE is only just beginning and ICE has the advantage.

      This article was originally published in forum thread: GTR HUMILIATES PLAID started by Blown6 View original post
      Comments 2 Comments
      1. SpeedLimit?'s Avatar
        SpeedLimit? -
        Wow, that wasn't even close.
      1. Blown6's Avatar
        Blown6 -
        Plaid needs another 3 motors lol